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  • Writer's pictureShyra Mae Cambarijan

The Danger of Friends and Family for Freelancers

The danger of friends and family especially for freelancers that are growth-minded, growth-seeking individuals that want to reach their highest infinite potential in life is that sometimes the people that have known you the longest are the ones that can hold you back. These are some of the characteristics of our “friends and family” that might affect us.


Crab Mentality

When you are on your journey of growth when you are stretching and reaching for new highs, and the people that have known you the longest see that sometimes these people are not interested in growing as well. When they see you reaching for new highs or being successful on your freelancing path, it may trigger them and force them to look within themselves and have to fix whatever they gotta fix.

Some people might simply just not be willing to do that so what do they do well some of these people, they will try to keep you small they will say things like “oh you're doing this and this, you're moving in this direction, why are you doing that. I miss the old you. Can't you just be like you were before” and that's very dangerous, because you know these are people that you’ve grown with, this are people that have been in your life for a long time and it may be difficult to navigate that path, but this is why the most important thing that we need to do when we are on our path of growth, when we are starting up our freelancing life, is we must surround ourselves with like-minded growth-seeking individuals, surround ourselves with people that lift us. People who want us to reach the top of our fullest potential and nothing less and will help us rise upon our journey instead of pulling us a back down


Sometimes when you are earning from freelancing, friends and family will multiply in numbers. When you are bountiful, successful and reaching your goals they are flocking like bees and you’re the flower. When you’re down, frustrated and losing hope the number of friends and family will diminish as well. This is the time when you will know who’s real or not. Sift, filter and be with those who loved you on your greatest times and stayed on your worst days.

It is very important and a major key in success, what do they say in the personal development books? “You are the average of the five people that you are around most. You are a product of your environment. A fish cannot outgrow the tank that it lives in.” Food for thought. Have a beautiful day.

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